Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Pink City- For the woman,Of the Woman,By the woman!!!

Male Chauvinists Beware!!!!!

Today's paper carried an article where it says that China has plans for a city where women will rule..... What If??? Just What if ...........................

With a Quivering Pen, A MAN puts down what we would expect from such a city...........

1. Every shop in the town would host a sale 365 days of the year. There is no credit limit. And oh, lots of dressing rooms! The best part? Every shopper is given one male to take with her, who marvels at each of her purchases with earnest interest and gives his honest opinion without ever getting bored.

2. Parallel parking? What parallel parking? All Rules Regarding the parking has been dropped. In case you bang into another vehicle, apologising with a sweet smile and a flutter of the eyelashes is seen as fair compensation.

3. Anyway, men don't need to travel. They'll barely have enough time from their household chores. The local trains in this town will therefore have just one coach in every train reserved for men… should be enough

4. All sports channels are banned. The television channels will have soaps, Desperate Housewives and a special 24-hour version of Oprah. All the theatres show only Julia Roberts' movies. The city library, named after Barbara Cartland, stocks only Mills and Boon, Bridget Jones' Diary and every Cosmopolitan published to date.

5. Salads, salads, salads! Everything is fatfree, carb-free and low-sugar. When you order here, you tell them how many calories you want and they'll make it accordingly. Mc-Donalds has come up with a special burger for this town Little Mac! So tiny, you don't know whether you ate it or inhaled it!

6. No one says the F-word. Oh wait, not the expletive, we meant the 3-letter one that rhymes with 'cat'---i.e. 'FAT'. Mentioning that word in a sentence that contains 'dress' and 'your behind' is punishable by death

7. Technology in women's world comes in 3 colours - pink, light pink or dark pink. To get rid of all ambiguity, every device has only 2 buttons – Yes or No. All phone calls are free

8.Toilet seats are permanently nailed in. If you gotta go, you had better be seated when you do

9.Immigration clearance is dependant on your knowing the difference between mauve and fuschia.

10. No male warrior adulation! The airport, the main railway terminal, the largest park and pretty much everything is named after Jhansi ki Rani or Helen of Troy

11. There is no religious discrimination in women's world. Gucci is God and everyone stands united under the one religion of fashion

12. All bar dancers are males. Bouncers won't be required. There'll be no pub brawls. If two women do get into a catfight, getting involved is crazy anyway.

The motto of the new town will be "women never make mistakes, and men can never refuse women's requests." Now that should send shivers down the spines of every man who has sat in the passenger seat of a car driven by a woman.......

Wat say men ??????????

(ref: Mumbai Mirror)


Jatin S Mehta said...

Interesting,seems bizarre,would wait to watch if it happens.If it does happen in china than i will surely visit that country.

vicnagda said...

Well Well Well ...

Although I would really like to fantasize about such a city to exist, I don't think it would be compelte without men. Unless ofcourse, there are monosexual people around !!! (joking)

We can plan this as a Tourist attraction, somewhere in India and earn lots of profits !!! The amount of geeks we have who go drooling over watching women .. It would be an instant hit !!!

As for me, I'd rather have a city where Friendship Rules !!!

Vichar said...

good one....interesting