Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life's Like that!!!!

Well time for humor again folks.
2 Live funny incidents that happened!!!
Incident 1:

This was when my friend was touring Haridwar recently. She was traveling with her family. And in the night when they were ordering for dinner, this funny incident happened.

She placed an order and then in the end she ordered “5 Buttermilk”. The waiter who was taking down the order, asked her to repeat herself, an she repeated “5 Buttermilk”. Can you even guess what the waiter must have replied?

Well he replied saying :
“Kya madam, yahan aise kaise de sakte hai aapko, 5 butter alag se and 5 milk alag se de sakte hai, mix kaise denge”.

Now those who dint get the Hindi dialogue: translation:
“Madam how can we give like that here, we can give 5 Packets of Butter and 5 Glasses of Milk separately. How can we mix n give?”

Incident 2:
A bunch of 11th standards, newly entered college, were standing at a railway station platform. One girl may have come from outside Bombay simply because she certainly dint understand Marathi language. She was from Gujarat probably, because it was a bunch of gujjus standing there.

The train was about to come and these girls, were asking each other to get in the train, they asked this girl also to get in the train because then there was no slow train after that train for next 10 mins.

She just wudnt get in, saying I want to see the next train after this. Everyone was like why? what is so special about it? And then she was like dint u guys hear the announcement… there is a burning train which will pass in some time, I want to see it.
The announcement actually was, “thodia velane ek jalad gaadi jaanar aahe” which means “In some time a fast local is going to pass by”.

Jalad = Fast. And she took it as Jalan = Burning.

She surenly doesn’t understand a word of Marathi…


Rohan said...

ha ha ..!!Gujjus sure know how to make 1+1 = 11 ...:P:P

Ami said...

the butter milk thing was hillarious !!! :D